Privacy Policy

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At, referred to as “Company,” “us” or “we”), we recognize that your privacy is important. This Policy discloses the privacy practices for the Company’s family of Websites (collectively, the “Site”), as well as related products and services we may offer to you (collectively referred to as the “Services”). This Policy also covers how personal and other information that we receive or collect about you is treated. Please read the information below to learn the following regarding your use of this Site.

You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is designed to be read in connection with the Site Terms and Conditions (User Agreement), and that by accessing or using our Site, you agree to be bound by the Site’s terms and conditions, as well as this Policy.

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account, by placing a prominent notice on our site, and/or by updating any privacy information on this page. Your continued use of the Site and or Offerings available through this Site after such modifications will constitute your: (a) acknowledgment of the modified Policy; and (b) your agreement to abide and be bound by that Policy.
If you have any questions about this Policy, please feel free to contact us at:


1. Types of Information We Collect
Information You Provide to Us: When you place an order, open an account, communicate with us, or send us an email, you provide us with information that we collect. Such information may include, without limit, your name, address, phone number, credit card information, and purchase history and, when you send a gift to another person, including giving another person an account, the same information for such other person.
In order to better provide you with Offerings, we collect two types of information about our users: Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) and Aggregate Information.

Personally Identifiable Information: This refers to information that lets us know the specifics of who you are. When you engage in certain activities on this Site, such as registering for an account, downloading or purchasing a product or service, submitting content and/or posting content in the user forums, if any, or sending us feedback, we may ask you to provide certain information about yourself.
Examples of PII may include, without limit, your first and last name, email address, mailing address (including zip code), telephone and facsimile numbers, and other identifying information. When ordering products or services on the Site, you may be asked to provide a credit card number.

Aggregate Information: This refers to information that does not by itself identify a specific individual. We gather certain information about you based upon where you visit on our Site and what other sites may have directed you to us. This information, which is collected in a variety of different ways, is compiled and analyzed on both a personal and an aggregated basis. This information may include the Website’s Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) that points to the site you just came from, which URL you go to after visiting our Site, what browser you are using, and your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address.
Other Information We Receive and Store: We also receive information from you as a result of your visiting our site, participating on the Site and/or sending us emails, including your IP address, the time you spend on the site, your email address, your browser type and version, your operating system and platform, your purchase history, products you view, products you search for, length of visits to pages and other browser interaction information.

2. How We Collect and Use Information
We do not collect any PII about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. However, you may be required to provide certain PII to us when you elect to use certain products or services available on the Site. These may include: (a) registering for an account on our Site; (b) entering a contest sponsored by us or one of our partners; (c) signing up for special offers from us or selected third parties; (d) sending us an email message; (e) submitting a form or transmitting other information by email, telephone or letter; or (e) submitting your credit card or other payment information when ordering and purchasing products and services on our Site. When processing certain information, such as payment information with affiliated banking institutions or payment processors, we encrypt the transaction, using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology, in order to prevent your PII from being stolen or intercepted. Additionally, your credit card information is encrypted and stored on a restricted-access database that is away from our main Site and only accessible by authorized users.

We will primarily use your PII to provide product or service offerings to you. We will also use certain forms of PII to enhance the operation of our Site, improve our internal marketing and promotional efforts, statistically analyze Site use, improve our product and service offerings, and customize our Site’s content, layout, and services. We may use PII to deliver information to you and to contact you regarding administrative notices. Finally, we may use your PII to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce our agreements with you, including our Site Terms, and this Privacy Policy.

We may also collect, or our third-party advertising partners, if any, may collect, certain Aggregate Information. For example, we may use your IP address to diagnose problems with our servers, software, to administer our Site and to gather demographic information.

Additional Use and Disclosure of Information Considerations: Be judicious and polite in choosing a screen name.  We may disclose your information to third parties only as reasonably required to fulfill your orders and collect sums due us (such as to shippers and credit card processors), to protect the rights and safety of us, our shareholders, principals, members, employees and customers (such as to legal representatives and law enforcement) as you expressly permit and/or as required by law (such as the result of a court subpoena) or as may be reasonably necessary in our sole discretion. We may transfer your information in the event of the sale of substantially all of the assets of our business to a third-party or in the event of a merger, consolidation or acquisition. However, in such event, any acquirer will be subject to the provisions of our commitments to you.

3. Cookies
Depending on how you use our Site, we may store cookies on your computer in order to collect certain aggregate data about our users and to customize certain aspects of your specific user experience. A cookie is a small data text file which is stored on your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. Cookies may also include more personalized information, such as your IP address, browser type, the server your computer is logged onto, the area code and zip code associated with your server, and your first name to welcome you back to our Site. We may use cookies to perform tasks such as: monitoring aggregate site usage metrics, storing and remembering your passwords (if you allow us to do so), storing account and advertising preferences that you have set, and personalizing the Services we make available to you. However, we do not use cookies to track your browsing behaviors.
We may also use an outside advertising partner to display advertisements on our Site. As part of their service, they will place a separate cookie on your computer. We will not provide any third-party advertising partners with any of your PII or information about your purchases. We and our third party ad server will collect and use Aggregate Information about you, such as your IP address, browser type, the server your computer is logged onto, the area code and zip code associated with your server and whether you responded to a particular ad.
Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some aspects of the Site may not function properly if you elect to disable cookies.

4. Release of Information
We will not sell, trade, or rent your PII to others except as stated in this Policy. We do provide some of our product and service offerings through contractual arrangements made with affiliates, service providers, partners and other third parties (“Service Partners”). We and our Service Partners may need to use some PII in order to perform tasks between our respective sites, or to deliver products or services to you. For example, we must release your credit card information to the card-issuing bank to confirm payment for products and services purchased on this Site; release your address information to the delivery service to deliver products that you ordered; and provide order information to third parties that help us provide customer service.

We will encourage our Service Partners to adopt and promote strong privacy policies. However, the use of your PII by our Service Partners is governed the respective privacy policies of those providers, and is not subject to our control. Except as otherwise discussed in this Privacy Policy, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. Other Sites accessible through this Site, including our Advertising and Service Partners, have their own privacy policies and data collection, use and disclosure practices. Please consult each Site’s privacy policy. We are not responsible for the policies or practices of third parties.

Occasionally we may be required by law enforcement or judicial authorities to provide PII to the appropriate governmental authorities. In such cases, we will disclose PII upon receipt of a court order, subpoena, or to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation. We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use our services for illegal activities. We reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we in good faith believe to be unlawful.

We may also provide Aggregate Information about our customers’ sales, traffic patterns, and related Site information to third party advertisers, but these statistics do not include any Personally Identifiable Information.
Changes to Privacy Policy: Any changes in our Privacy Policy will be posted to this website and will become effective as of the date of posting with respect to information we then collect in the future, but will not be changed with respect to information that we have then already collected. It is and will be your responsibility to review our Privacy Policy from time to time to make sure you are aware of any changes.

5. Updating and Correcting Information
We encourage you to promptly update your PII if it changes. You may ask to have the information on your account deleted or removed; however, some information, such as past transactions, logs of technical support calls, or other information may not be deleted. In addition, it may be impossible to completely delete your information without some residual information because of backups.

6. User Choices on Collection and Use of Information
We may, from time to time, send you email regarding new products and services that we feel may interest you. Only Company (or agents working on behalf of Company and under confidentiality agreements) will send you these solicitations.
You also have choices with respect to cookies, as described above. By modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. If you choose to reject all cookies some parts of our Site may not work properly in your case.

7. Security of Your PII
At our Site you can be assured that your PII is secure, consistent with current industry standards. We strive to take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of your PII.
For example:
• We work hard to ensure that the data we collect is reliable, accurate, complete and current. We encrypt all PII, in order to prevent unauthorized parties from viewing such information when it is transmitted to us. We also only keep and use confidential information only for the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or document retention requirements.
1. We limit access to PII only to specific employees, contractors and agents who have a reasonable need to come into contact with your information. For example, we may provide members of our technical support team with limited access to your account in order to allow them to troubleshoot problems you may be having with the Site.
2. Additionally, we also employ a number of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect PII. Our secure servers and our data centers are protected by industry-standard encryption, and our servers reside behind firewalls and employ high-level password protection.
3. Finally, access by you to your PII is available through a password and unique customer ID selected by you. This password is encrypted. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone.
In order to most effectively serve you, credit card transactions and order fulfillment are handled by established third party banking institutions and processing agents. They receive the information needed to verify and authorize your credit card or other payment information and to process and ship your order.
Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your PII, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations inherent to the Internet which are beyond our control; and (b) the security, integrity and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and us through this Site cannot be guaranteed.

8. Miscellaneous
You must be at least 18 years old to have our permission to use this Site. Our policy is that we do not knowingly collect, use or disclose PII about minor visitors.

You should also be aware that when Personally Identifiable Information is voluntarily disclosed (i.e. your name, email address, etc.) in messages, forums or other public areas on this Site, that information, along with any information disclosed in your communication, can be collected and used by third parties and may result in unsolicited messages (including unwanted spam messages) from third parties. Such activities are beyond our control and this Policy does not apply to such information. Please consult our Site Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement for our Site Conduct policies.

Effective Date: This Privacy Policy is effective with respect to all data that we have collected since the date we started collecting data on this website, which was August 20, 2024.